Apache ShenYu Start Demo
Environmental preparation- Install JDK1.8+ locally
- Install Git locally
- Install Maven locally
- Choose a development tool, such as IDEA
Pull ShenYu codeUse Git to clone code
git clone https://github.com/apache/shenyu.git
Compile codeCompile with Maven
cd shenyumvn clean install -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -B -Drat.skip=true -Djacoco.skip=true -DskipITs -DskipTests
Start the gateway serviceUse development tools, take IDEA as an example.
Start shenyu-admin
(use H2 database by default)
Start shenyu-bootstrap
At this point, shenyu gateway has been activated.
We can open the browser and access the admin console: http://localhost:9095/
Start application serviceApache ShenYu provides examples for Http, Dubbo, SpringCloud and other applications to access the shenyu gateway, located in the shenyu-example
module. Here we take the Http service as an example.
If shenyu-example
is not marked as a Maven project by IDEA, you can right-click the pom.xml
file in the shenyu-example
directory to add it as a Maven project.
Start shenyu-examples-http
At this time, shenyu-examples-http
will automatically register the interface method annotated with @ShenyuSpringMvcClient
and the related configuration in application.yml to the gateway. When we open the admin console, you can see the relevant configuration in divide and context-path.
Test Http requestNow use postman
to simulate http
to request your http
Use more pluginsWe can refer to Official Document to use other plugins.
Here is an example of using the param-mapping plugin.
Edit the param-mapping plugin in BasicConfig -> Plugin
and set status
Configure selectors and rules in PluginList -> http process
Then use postman
to make an http request to /http/test/payment