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Version: 2.7.0

Custom Plugin


  • Plugins are core executors of Apache ShenYu gateway. Every plugin handles matched requests when enabled.
  • There are two kinds of plugins in the Apache ShenYu gateway.
    • The first type is a chain with single responsibility, and can not custom filtering of traffic.
    • The other one can do its own chain of responsibility for matched traffic.
  • You could reference from shenyu-plugin module and develop plugins by yourself. Please fire pull requests of your wonderful plugins without hesitate.

Single Responsibility Plugins#

  • Add following dependency:
<dependency>    <groupId>org.apache.shenyu</groupId>    <artifactId>shenyu-plugin-api</artifactId>    <version>${project.version}</version></dependency>
  • Declare a new class named MyShenyuPlugin and implements org.apache.shenyu.plugin.api.ShenyuPlugin
public interface ShenyuPlugin {
    /**     * Process the Web request and (optionally) delegate to the next     * {@code WebFilter} through the given {@link ShenyuPluginChain}.     *     * @param exchange the current server exchange     * @param chain    provides a way to delegate to the next filter     * @return {@code Mono<Void>} to indicate when request processing is complete     */    Mono<Void> execute(ServerWebExchange exchange, ShenyuPluginChain chain);
    /**     * return plugin order .     * This attribute To determine the plugin execution order in the same type plugin.     *     * @return int order     */    int getOrder();
    /**     * acquire plugin name.     * this is plugin name define you must offer the right name.     * if you impl AbstractShenyuPlugin this attribute not use.     *     * @return plugin name.     */    default String named() {        return "";    }
    /**     * plugin is execute.     * if return true this plugin can not execute.     *     * @param exchange the current server exchange     * @return default false.     */    default Boolean skip(ServerWebExchange exchange) {        return false;    }}

Detailed instruction of interface methods:

  • execute() core method, you can do any task here freely.
  • getOrder() get the order of current plugin.
  • named() acquire the name of specific plugin that uses the Camel Case, eg: dubbo, springCloud .
  • skip() determines whether this plugin should be skipped under certain conditions.
  • Register plugin in Spring as a Bean, or simply apply @Component in implementation class.
    @Bean    public ShenyuPlugin myShenyuPlugin() {        return new MyShenyuPlugin();    }

Single Responsibility Plugin in Multiple Languages#

  • The above is about writing a single responsibility plugin in Java. If you want to write plugins in another language, at least the language you are good at supporting WASM, you can find resources here . After you have learned about WASM, let's introduce the following dependency to build the Java part of the plugin:
<dependency>    <groupId>org.apache.shenyu</groupId>    <artifactId>shenyu-plugin-wasm-api</artifactId>    <version>${project.version}</version></dependency>
  • Add a new class MyShenyuWasmPlugin, inherit from org.apache.shenyu.plugin.wasm.api.AbstractWasmPlugin
package x.y.z;
public class MyShenyuWasmPlugin extends AbstractWasmPlugin {        private static final Map<Long, String> RESULTS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();        @Override    public int getOrder() {        // your plugin order        return 0;    }        @Override    public String named() {        return "yourPluginName";    }        @Override    protected Mono<Void> doExecute(final ServerWebExchange exchange, final ShenyuPluginChain chain, final Long argumentId) {        final String result = RESULTS.remove(argumentId);        // Results returned by calling other languages        return chain.execute(exchange);    }        @Override    protected Long getArgumentId(final ServerWebExchange exchange, final ShenyuPluginChain chain) {        // Need to generate unique IDs for parameters based on exchange and chain        return 0L;    }        @Override    protected Map<String, Func> initWasmCallJavaFunc(final Store<Void> store) {        Map<String, Func> funcMap = new HashMap<>();        funcMap.put("get_args", WasmFunctions.wrap(store, WasmValType.I64, WasmValType.I64, WasmValType.I32, WasmValType.I32,            (argId, addr, len) -> {                // Callbacks for obtaining parameters from Java in other languages                String config = "hello from java " + argId;      "java side->" + config);                ByteBuffer buf = super.getBuffer();                for (int i = 0; i < len && i < config.length(); i++) {                    buf.put(addr.intValue() + i, (byte) config.charAt(i));                }                return Math.min(config.length(), len);            }));        funcMap.put("put_result", WasmFunctions.wrap(store, WasmValType.I64, WasmValType.I64, WasmValType.I32, WasmValType.I32,            (argId, addr, len) -> {                // Callbacks that pass call results to Java in other languages                ByteBuffer buf = super.getBuffer();                byte[] bytes = new byte[len];                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {                    bytes[i] = buf.get(addr.intValue() + i);                }                String result = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);                RESULTS.put(argId, result);      "java side->" + result);                return 0;            }));        return funcMap;        }    }
  • Create projects in other languages, using the Rust language as an example:
cd {shenyu}/shenyu-plugin/{your_plugin_moodule}/src/maincargo new --lib your_plugin_name
  • Add execute method in
#[link(wasm_import_module = "shenyu")]extern "C" {    fn get_args(arg_id: i64, addr: i64, len: i32) -> i32;
    fn put_result(arg_id: i64, addr: i64, len: i32) -> i32;}
// Adding `#[no_mangle]` to prevent the Rust compiler from modifying method names is mandatory#[no_mangle]pub unsafe extern "C" fn execute(arg_id: i64) {    let mut buf = [0u8; 32];    let buf_ptr = buf.as_mut_ptr() as i64;    eprintln!("rust side-> buffer base address: {}", buf_ptr);    // Get parameters from Java    let len = get_args(arg_id, buf_ptr, buf.len() as i32);    let java_arg = std::str::from_utf8(&buf[..len as usize]).unwrap();    eprintln!("rust side-> recv:{}", java_arg);    // Add plugin logic for the Rust section here, such as rpc calls, etc    // Pass the call result of rust to Java    let rust_result = "rust result".as_bytes();    let result_ptr = rust_result.as_ptr() as i64;    _ = put_result(arg_id, result_ptr, rust_result.len() as i32);}
  • Add [lib] to Cargo.toml and change crate-type to ["cdylib"]. Ultimately, your Cargo.toml should look like:
[package]name = "your_plugin_name"version = "0.1.0"edition = "2021"
[dependencies]# ......
[lib]crate-type = ["cdylib"]
  • Generate the wasm file:
cargo build --target wasm32-wasi --release
  • You will see {shenyu}/shenyu-plugin/{your_plugin_moodule}/src/main/{your_plugin_name}/target/wasm32-wasi/release/{your_plugin_name}.wasm, then rename it, due to the x.y.z.MyShenyuWasmPlugin,the final wasm file name should be x.y.z.MyShenyuWasmPlugin.wasm, finally, put the wasm file in the resources folder of your plugin module.

Matching Traffic Processing Plugin#

  • Introduce the following dependency:
 <dependency>    <groupId>org.apache.shenyu</groupId>    <artifactId>shenyu-plugin-base</artifactId>    <version>${project.version}</version></dependency>
  • Add a new class CustomPlugin, inherit from org.apache.shenyu.plugin.base.AbstractShenyuPlugin

  • examples down below:

/** * This is your custom plugin. * He is running in after before plugin, implement your own functionality. * extends AbstractShenyuPlugin so you must user shenyu-admin And add related plug-in development. * * @author xiaoyu(Myth) */public class CustomPlugin extends AbstractShenyuPlugin {
    /**     * return plugin order .     * The same plugin he executes in the same order.     *     * @return int     */    @Override    public int getOrder() {        return 0;    }
    /**     * acquire plugin name.     * return you custom plugin name.     * It must be the same name as the plug-in you added in the admin background.     *     * @return plugin name.     */    @Override    public String named() {        return "shenYu";    }
    /**     * plugin is execute.     * Do I need to skip.     * if you need skip return true.     *     * @param exchange the current server exchange     * @return default false.     */    @Override    public Boolean skip(final ServerWebExchange exchange) {        return false;    }
    /**     * this is Template Method child has Implement your own logic.     *     * @param exchange exchange the current server exchange     * @param chain    chain the current chain     * @param selector selector     * @param rule     rule     * @return {@code Mono<Void>} to indicate when request handling is complete     */    @Override    protected abstract Mono<Void> doExecute(ServerWebExchange exchange, ShenyuPluginChain chain, SelectorData selector, RuleData rule) {        LOGGER.debug(".......... function plugin start..............");        /*         * Processing after your selector matches the rule.         * rule.getHandle() is you Customize the json string to be processed.         * for this example.         * Convert your custom json string pass to an entity class.         */        final String ruleHandle = rule.getHandle();
        final Test test = GsonUtils.getInstance().fromJson(ruleHandle, Test.class);
        /*         * Then do your own business processing.         * The last execution  chain.execute(exchange).         * Let it continue on the chain until the end.         */        System.out.println(test.toString());        return chain.execute(exchange);    }}
  • Detailed explanation:

    • Plugins will match the selector rule for customized plugins inherit from this abstract class.

    • Firstly define a new plugin in shenyu-admin –> BasicConfig –> Plugin, please mind that your plugin name should match the named() method overridden in your class.

    • Re-login shenyu-admin, the plugin you added now showing on plugin-list page, you can choose selectors for matching.

    • There is a field named handler in rules, it is customized json string to be processed. You can process data after acquiring a ruleHandle (final String ruleHandle = rule.getHandle();) in doExecute() method.

  • Register plugin in Spring as a Bean, or simply apply @Component in implementation class.

    @Bean    public ShenyuPlugin customPlugin() {        return new CustomPlugin();    }

Matching Traffic Processing Plugin in Multiple Languages#

  • The general logic is similar to [Single Responsibility Plugin in Multiple Languages](#Single Responsibility Plugin in Multiple Languages) , but the dependency in Java and the methods that need to be added in other languages are different from Single Responsibility Plugin in Multiple Languages. The following are the dependency required for the Java part of the Multi Language Matching Traffic Processing Plugin:
<dependency>    <groupId>org.apache.shenyu</groupId>    <artifactId>shenyu-plugin-wasm-base</artifactId>    <version>${project.version}</version></dependency>
  • The following are the methods that must be added (using the Rust language as an example):
#[no_mangle]pub unsafe extern "C" fn doExecute(arg_id: i64) {    //......}
  • The following are optional methods (using the Rust language as an example):
#[no_mangle]pub unsafe extern "C" fn before(arg_id: i64) {    //......}
#[no_mangle]pub unsafe extern "C" fn after(arg_id: i64) {    //......}

Subscribe your plugin data and do customized jobs#

  • Declare a new class named PluginDataHandler and implements org.apache.shenyu.plugin.base.handler.PluginDataHandler
public interface PluginDataHandler {
    /**     * Handler plugin.     *     * @param pluginData the plugin data     */    default void handlerPlugin(PluginData pluginData) {    }
    /**     * Remove plugin.     *     * @param pluginData the plugin data     */    default void removePlugin(PluginData pluginData) {    }
    /**     * Handler selector.     *     * @param selectorData the selector data     */    default void handlerSelector(SelectorData selectorData) {    }
    /**     * Remove selector.     *     * @param selectorData the selector data     */    default void removeSelector(SelectorData selectorData) {    }
    /**     * Handler rule.     *     * @param ruleData the rule data     */    default void handlerRule(RuleData ruleData) {    }
    /**     * Remove rule.     *     * @param ruleData the rule data     */    default void removeRule(RuleData ruleData) {    }
    /**     * Plugin named string.     *     * @return the string     */    String pluginNamed();
  • Ensure pluginNamed() is same as the plugin name you defined.
  • Register defined class as a Spring Bean, or simply apply @Component in implementation class.
@Beanpublic PluginDataHandler pluginDataHandler() {  return new PluginDataHandler();}

Dynamic loading#

  • When using this feature, the above extensions ShenyuPlugin, PluginDataHandler, do not need to be spring bean. You just need to build the jar package of the extension project.

  • Config in Yaml:

shenyu:  extPlugin:    path:  //Load the extension plugin jar package path    enabled: true //Whether to turn on     threads: 1  //Number of loading plug-in threads    scheduleTime: 300  //Cycle time (in seconds)    scheduleDelay: 30 //How long the shenyu gateway is delayed to load after it starts (in seconds)

Plugin loading path details#

  • This path is for the directory where the extended plugin jar package is stored。

  • Used -Dplugin-ext=xxxx, Also used shenyu.extPlugin.path in yaml,If neither is configured, the ext-lib directory in the apache shenyu gateway boot path will be loaded by default.

  • Priority :-Dplugin-ext=xxxx > shenyu.extPlugin.path > ext-lib(default)

Plugin jar upload#

  • To use this feature, you will need to package the ShenyuPlugin extension as a custom ShenyuPlugin Jar
  • Configure it in ShenyuAdmin
    • use ShenyuAdmin - BasicConfig - Plugin add plugin in pluginJar click upload button
  • Custom ShenyuPlugin can be started by loading third-party jars into the -cp directory if it depends on other third-party packages in shenyu-bootstrap


The Upload jar package plugin supports hot loading If you need to modify the jar online. You can make a new jar. And raise the version number, for example '1.0.1' to '1.0.2'