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Version: 2.7.0

Quick start with Websocket

This document introduces how to quickly access the Apache ShenYu gateway using Websocket.

Environment to prepare#

Refer to local deployment to deploy the Shenyu gateway.

  1. Deploy the shenyu-admin service.
  • After successful launch, you need to set the Websocket plugin to be enabled in the page's basic configuration ->Plugin Management.
  1. Deploy the shenyu-bootstrap service.
  • After starting, shenyu-bootstrap will synchronize the data via the websocket protocol according to the address configured in shenyu.sync.websocket.url.

Note: Before starting, make sure that the gateway has introduced the relevant dependency, which is introduced by default.

Import the gateway proxy plugin for Websocket and add the following dependencies to the gateway's pom.xml file.

        <!--shenyu websocket plugin start-->        <dependency>            <groupId>org.apache.shenyu</groupId>            <artifactId>shenyu-spring-boot-starter-plugin-websocket</artifactId>            <version>${project.version}</version>        </dependency>

Run the shenyu-examples-websocket project#

  1. Download shenyu-examples-websocket (native-websocket and reactive-websocket can refer to the subprojects under shenyu-examples-websocket).

  2. Run main method of org.apache.shenyu.examples.websocket.TestAnnotationWebsocketApplication to start this project.

  • The examples project will synchronize the websocket service information to shenyu-admin via the http protocol according to the address configured in shenyu.register.serverLists, and then to shenyu-bootstrap by shenyu-admin.

log info as follows after starting:

2022-08-09 23:37:34.994  INFO 61398 --- [or_consumer_-21] o.a.s.r.client.http.utils.RegisterUtils  : metadata client register success: {"appName":"ws-annotation","contextPath":"/ws-annotation","path":"/ws-annotation/myWs","rpcType":"websocket","ruleName":"/ws-annotation/myWs","enabled":true,"pluginNames":[],"registerMetaData":false,"timeMillis":1660059454701} 2022-08-09 23:37:35.019  INFO 61398 --- [or_consumer_-18] o.a.s.r.client.http.utils.RegisterUtils  : uri client register success: {"protocol":"ws://","appName":"ws-annotation","contextPath":"/ws-annotation","rpcType":"websocket","host":"","port":8001} 


  1. The shenyu-examples-websocket project will automatically register the interface methods annotated with @ShenyuSpringWebSocketClient to the gateway and add selectors and rules after successful start, you can see the information of shenyu-examples-websocket service registration by visiting shenyu-admin page -> PluginList -> Proxy -> Websocket to see the shenyu-examples-websocket service registration information, if not, you can refer to Websocket plugin to add the configuration manually.
  1. The following test code (see attachment) simulates the request method of the Websocket protocol to request your Websocket service.


websocket debugging code

  • Create a file called websocket.html and copy the following code into the file.
  • Open websocket.html with Chrome.
<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head>    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html" />    <title>Shenyu WebSocket Test</title>    <script>        var websocket;        function connect() {            try {                websocket = new WebSocket(document.getElementById("url").value);                websocket.onopen = onOpen;                websocket.onerror = onError;                websocket.onmessage = onReceive;                websocket.onclose = onClose;            } catch (e) {                alert('[websocket] establish connection error.');            }        }        function onOpen() {            alert('[websocket] connect success.');        }        function onError(e) {            alert("[websocket] connect error. code: " + e.code);        }        function onReceive(msg) {            var show = document.getElementById("show");            show.innerHTML += "[Server Response] => " + + "<br/>";            show.scrollTop = show.scrollHeight;        }        function onClose(e) {            console.log("[websocket] connect closed. code: " + e.code)            alert("[websocket] connect closed.");            document.getElementById("show").innerHTML = "";            document.getElementById("msg").value = "";            websocket = null;        }        function buttonClose() {            if (websocket == null) {                console.log("Please establish a connection first.")            } else {                websocket.close(1000);                document.getElementById("show").innerHTML = "";                document.getElementById("msg").value = "";            }        }        function send() {            if (websocket == null) {                alert("Please establish a connection first.")            } else {                var msg = document.getElementById("msg").value;                show.innerHTML += "[Client Request] => " + msg + "<br/>";                websocket.send(msg);            }        }    </script></head><body>    <input id="url" type="text" value="ws://localhost:9195/ws-annotation/myWs"><br />    <input id="msg" type="text"><br />    <button id="connect" onclick="connect();">Connect</button>    <button id="send" onclick="send();">Send</button>    <button id="close" onclick="buttonClose();">Close</button></br>    <div id="show" class="show"></div></body></html><style>    input {        width: 400px;        margin-bottom: 10px;    }    .show {        width: 600px;        height: 400px;        overflow-y: auto;        border: 1px solid #333;        margin-top: 10px;    }</style>