- Complete plug-in architecture design, plug-in hot-swappable.
- Fully supports all versions of dubbo, alibaba-dubbo, apache-dubbo.
- Support dubbo generalization call, multi-parameter, complex parameter interface.
- Enhance the monitoring plug-in, remove influxdb support, increase memory, CPU, QPS, TPS, response delay and other indicators, and support access to Prometheus.
- The springCloud plug-in supports two registration centers, eureka and nacos.
- Waf plug-in enhancements, black and white albums, and mixed modes.
- Removed the Hystrix fuse function, independent as a plug-in support.
- Modify the data synchronization method bug in Zookeeper, and add the nacos synchronization method.
- Diversified customer support, providing traditional and springboot access to spring.
- Optimize the soul-background control interface.
- Load balancing algorithm bug repair.
- Fix bugs when uploading large files.