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Release Apache Shenyu 2.7.0
✨ New Features 1. Upgrade dockerfile java runtime version 8 to 17 2. Upgrade SpringBoot to 3.x 3. Support ShenYu Admin Cluster ......
Release Apache Shenyu 2.6.1
New Features 1. Add dubbo annotation analysis for shenyu ingress controller 2. Support alert notice 3. Add nacos, etcd, eureka as discovery service ......
Release Apache ShenYu WASM 1.0.0
New Features Simplify usage Support the use of user-defined dynamic link libraries Refactor Refactor repository from wasmer-java
Release Apache Shenyu 2.6.0
New Features Support shenyu-admin expose prometheus metrics 2. Add shenyu Level-1 cache and Level-2 cache 3. Save extend plugin jar to shenyu admin ......
Release Apache Shenyu 2.5.1
New Features 1. Add brpc example. 2. Add spring boot starter plugin brpc&admin. 3. Add brpc-plugin. ......
Apache Shenyu Ningx 1.0.0-1 发布
New Features 1. Support for listening to Apache ShenYu node changes using Zookeeper. 2. Support for listening to Apache ShenYu node changes using ETCD. 3. Support for listening to Apache ShenYu node changes using Nacos. ......
Apache Shenyu .NET 语言客户端 1.0.0 发布
New Features 1. Support ShenYu Admin with http type Register to ShenYu. 2. Support use Nacos type Register to ShenYu. 3. Support use Consul type Register to ShenYu. ......
Apache Shenyu go语言客户端 1.0.0 发布
New Features 1. Support ShenYu Admin with http type Register to ShenYu. 2. Support use Nacos type Register to ShenYu. 3. Support use Consul type Register to ShenYu. ......
Apache Shenyu 2.5.0 发布
New Features 1. Add logging-aliyun-sls plugin. 2. Add mock plugin. 3. Add logging-es plugin. ......
Apache Shenyu 2.4.3 发布
New Features 1. Add http register client retry. 2. Support octet-stream context-type. 3. Support redirecting to URIs outside of bootstrap and refactoring code. ......
Apache Shenyu 2.4.2 发布
New Features 1. Add Mqtt plugin. 2. Add Shenyu-Agent module support observability. 3. Add opentelemetry plugin on Shenyu-Agent module. ......
Apache Shenyu 2.4.1 发布
New Features 1. Support PostgreSQL for admin. 2. Support dynamic loading plugin. 3. Support local modification data mode. ......
Apache Shenyu 2.4.0 发布
New Features 1. Support reading init_script file which is not under resource/directory. 2. Display the plugin menus in categories. 3. Admin add execute Multi-path sql script. ......
Apache Shenyu 2.3.0 发布
soul-admin 1. Add open field to allow app path authentication or not in sign plugin. 2. Optimize divide plugin to use common plugin template in soul-dashboard. 3. Add default values and rule checks in plugin handler. ......
Apache Shenyu 2.2.0 发布
New Features 1. Complete plug-in architecture design, plug-in hot-swappable. 2. Fully supports all versions of dubbo, alibaba-dubbo, apache-dubbo. 3. Support dubbo generalization call, multi-parameter, complex parameter interface. ......