本文介绍使用 K8s
来部署 Apache ShenYu
示例一. 使用 h2 作为数据库
1. 创建 Namespace 和 ConfigMap2. 部署 shenyu-admin3. 部署 shenyu-bootstrap
示例二. 使用 MySQL 作为数据库
和 h2 过程类似,需要额外注意的两个地方:
1. 需要下载 mysql-connector.jar,容器启动时会执行下载命令2. 需要指定外部 MySQL 数据库配置
1. 创建 Namespace和 ConfigMap2. 部署 shenyu-admin3. 部署 shenyu-bootstrap
示例一:使用 h2 作为数据库#
1. 创建 Namespace 和 ConfigMap创建 Namespace 和网关用到的配置文件
- 创建文件 shenyu-ns.yaml
apiVersion: v1kind: Namespacemetadata: name: shenyu labels: name: shenyu---apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapmetadata: name: shenyu-cm namespace: shenyudata: shenyu-admin-application.yml: | server: port: 9095 address: spring: profiles: active: h2 thymeleaf: cache: true encoding: utf-8 enabled: true prefix: classpath:/static/ suffix: .html mvc: pathmatch: matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher mybatis: config-location: classpath:/mybatis/mybatis-config.xml mapper-locations: classpath:/mappers/*.xml shenyu: register: registerType: http #http #zookeeper #etcd #nacos #consul serverLists: #localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848 props: sessionTimeout: 5000 connectionTimeout: 2000 checked: true zombieCheckTimes: 5 scheduledTime: 10 nacosNameSpace: ShenyuRegisterCenter sync: websocket: enabled: true messageMaxSize: 10240 allowOrigins: ws://shenyu-admin-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9095;ws://shenyu-bootstrap-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9195; ldap: enabled: false url: ldap://xxxx:xxx bind-dn: cn=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx password: xxxx base-dn: ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx object-class: person login-field: cn jwt: expired-seconds: 86400000 shiro: white-list: - / - /favicon.* - /static/** - /index** - /platform/login - /websocket - /error - /actuator/health - /swagger-ui.html - /webjars/** - /swagger-resources/** - /v2/api-docs - /csrf swagger: enable: true apidoc: gatewayUrl: envProps: - envLabel: Test environment addressLabel: Request Address addressUrl: - envLabel: Prod environment addressLabel: Request Address addressUrl: logging: level: root: info org.springframework.boot: info org.apache.ibatis: info org.apache.shenyu.bonuspoint: info org.apache.shenyu.lottery: info org.apache.shenyu: info shenyu-admin-application-h2.yml: | shenyu: database: dialect: h2 init_script: "sql-script/h2/schema.sql" init_enable: true spring: datasource: url: jdbc:h2:mem:~/shenyu;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;MODE=MySQL; username: sa password: sa driver-class-name: org.h2.Driver shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml: | server: port: 9195 address: spring: main: allow-bean-definition-overriding: true allow-circular-references: true application: name: shenyu-bootstrap codec: max-in-memory-size: 2MB cloud: discovery: enabled: false nacos: discovery: server-addr: # Spring Cloud Alibaba Dubbo use this. enabled: false namespace: ShenyuRegisterCenter eureka: client: enabled: false serviceUrl: defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/ instance: prefer-ip-address: true management: health: defaults: enabled: false shenyu: matchCache: selector: selectorEnabled: false initialCapacity: 10000 # initial capacity in cache maximumSize: 10000 # max size in cache rule: initialCapacity: 10000 # initial capacity in cache maximumSize: 10000 # max size in cache trie: childrenSize: 10000 pathVariableSize: 1000 pathRuleCacheSize: 1000 matchMode: antPathMatch netty: http: # set to false, user can custom the netty tcp server config. webServerFactoryEnabled: true selectCount: 1 workerCount: 4 accessLog: false serverSocketChannel: soRcvBuf: 87380 soBackLog: 128 soReuseAddr: false connectTimeoutMillis: 10000 writeBufferHighWaterMark: 65536 writeBufferLowWaterMark: 32768 writeSpinCount: 16 autoRead: false allocType: "pooled" messageSizeEstimator: 8 singleEventExecutorPerGroup: true socketChannel: soKeepAlive: false soReuseAddr: false soLinger: -1 tcpNoDelay: true soRcvBuf: 87380 soSndBuf: 16384 ipTos: 0 allowHalfClosure: false connectTimeoutMillis: 10000 writeBufferHighWaterMark: 65536 writeBufferLowWaterMark: 32768 writeSpinCount: 16 autoRead: false allocType: "pooled" messageSizeEstimator: 8 singleEventExecutorPerGroup: true instance: enabled: false registerType: zookeeper #etcd #consul serverLists: localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848 props: cross: enabled: true allowedHeaders: allowedMethods: "*" allowedAnyOrigin: true # the same of Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*" allowedExpose: "" maxAge: "18000" allowCredentials: true switchConfig: local: true file: enabled: true maxSize : 10 sync: websocket: urls: ws://shenyu-admin-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9095/websocket allowOrigin: ws://shenyu-bootstrap-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9195 exclude: enabled: false paths: - /favicon.ico fallback: enabled: false paths: - /fallback/hystrix - /fallback/resilience4j health: enabled: false paths: - /actuator/health - /health_check extPlugin: path: enabled: true threads: 1 scheduleTime: 300 scheduleDelay: 30 scheduler: enabled: false type: fixed threads: 16 upstreamCheck: enabled: false timeout: 3000 healthyThreshold: 1 unhealthyThreshold: 1 interval: 5000 printEnabled: true printInterval: 60000 ribbon: serverListRefreshInterval: 10000 metrics: enabled: false name : prometheus host: port: 8090 jmxConfig: props: jvm_enabled: true local: enabled: false sha512Key: "BA3253876AED6BC22D4A6FF53D8406C6AD864195ED144AB5C87621B6C233B548BAEAE6956DF346EC8C17F5EA10F35EE3CBC514797ED7DDD3145464E2A0BAB413" logging: level: root: info org.springframework.boot: info org.apache.ibatis: info org.apache.shenyu.bonuspoint: info org.apache.shenyu.lottery: info org.apache.shenyu: info
- 执行
kubectl apply -f shenyu-ns.yaml
2. 部署 shenyu-admin创建网关管理服务
- 创建文件 shenyu-admin.yaml
# 示例使用 nodeport 方式暴露端口apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata: namespace: shenyu name: shenyu-admin-svcspec: selector: app: shenyu-admin type: NodePort ports: - protocol: TCP port: 9095 targetPort: 9095 nodePort: 31095---# shenyu-adminapiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata: namespace: shenyu name: shenyu-adminspec: selector: matchLabels: app: shenyu-admin replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: shenyu-admin spec: volumes: - name: shenyu-admin-application configMap: name: shenyu-cm items: - key: shenyu-admin-application.yml path: shenyu-admin-application.yml - name: shenyu-admin-application-h2 configMap: name: shenyu-cm items: - key: shenyu-admin-application-h2.yml path: shenyu-admin-application-h2.yml containers: - name: shenyu-admin image: apache/shenyu-admin:latest imagePullPolicy: Always ports: - containerPort: 9095 env: - name: 'TZ' value: 'Asia/Beijing' volumeMounts: - name: shenyu-admin-application mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/conf/application.yml subPath: shenyu-admin-application.yml - name: shenyu-admin-application-h2 mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/conf/application-h2.yml subPath: shenyu-admin-application-h2.yml
- 执行
kubectl apply -f shenyu-admin.yaml
3. 部署 shenyu-bootstrap创建网关服务
- 创建文件 shenyu-bootstrap.yaml
# 示例使用 nodeport 方式暴露端口apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata: namespace: shenyu name: shenyu-bootstrap-svcspec: selector: app: shenyu-bootstrap type: NodePort ports: - protocol: TCP port: 9195 targetPort: 9195 nodePort: 31195---# shenyu-bootstrapapiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata: namespace: shenyu name: shenyu-bootstrapspec: selector: matchLabels: app: shenyu-bootstrap replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: shenyu-bootstrap spec: volumes: - name: shenyu-bootstrap-application configMap: name: shenyu-cm items: - key: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml path: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml containers: - name: shenyu-bootstrap image: apache/shenyu-bootstrap:latest ports: - containerPort: 9195 env: - name: TZ value: Asia/Beijing volumeMounts: - name: shenyu-bootstrap-application mountPath: /opt/shenyu-bootstrap/conf/application.yml subPath: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml
- 执行
kubectl apply -f shenyu-bootstrap.yaml
示例二:使用 MySQL 作为数据库#
1. 创建 Namespace和 ConfigMap- 创建文件 shenyu-ns.yaml
apiVersion: v1kind: Namespacemetadata: name: shenyu labels: name: shenyu---apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapmetadata: name: shenyu-cm namespace: shenyudata: shenyu-admin-application.yml: | server: port: 9095 address: spring: profiles: active: mysql thymeleaf: cache: true encoding: utf-8 enabled: true prefix: classpath:/static/ suffix: .html mvc: pathmatch: matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher mybatis: config-location: classpath:/mybatis/mybatis-config.xml mapper-locations: classpath:/mappers/*.xml shenyu: register: registerType: http #http #zookeeper #etcd #nacos #consul serverLists: #localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848 props: sessionTimeout: 5000 connectionTimeout: 2000 checked: true zombieCheckTimes: 5 scheduledTime: 10 nacosNameSpace: ShenyuRegisterCenter sync: websocket: enabled: true messageMaxSize: 10240 allowOrigins: ws://shenyu-admin-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9095;ws://shenyu-bootstrap-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9195; ldap: enabled: false url: ldap://xxxx:xxx bind-dn: cn=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx password: xxxx base-dn: ou=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx object-class: person login-field: cn jwt: expired-seconds: 86400000 shiro: white-list: - / - /favicon.* - /static/** - /index** - /platform/login - /websocket - /error - /actuator/health - /swagger-ui.html - /webjars/** - /swagger-resources/** - /v2/api-docs - /csrf swagger: enable: true apidoc: gatewayUrl: envProps: - envLabel: Test environment addressLabel: Request Address addressUrl: - envLabel: Prod environment addressLabel: Request Address addressUrl: logging: level: root: info org.springframework.boot: info org.apache.ibatis: info org.apache.shenyu.bonuspoint: info org.apache.shenyu.lottery: info org.apache.shenyu: info shenyu-admin-application-mysql.yml: | shenyu: database: dialect: mysql init_script: "sql-script/mysql/schema.sql" init_enable: true spring: datasource: url: jdbc:mysql://{your_mysql_ip}:{your_mysql_port}/shenyu?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false username: {your_mysql_user} password: {your_mysql_password} driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver hikari: connection-timeout: 30000 minimum-idle: 5 maximum-pool-size: 20 auto-commit: true idle-timeout: 600000 max-lifetime: 1800000 connection-test-query: SELECT 1 connection-init-sql: SET NAMES utf8mb4 validation-timeout: 800 mail: # Attention: this is mail server address. host: smtp.qq.com username: shenyu@apache.com # Attention: this is not email account password, this requires an email authorization code password: your-password #Attention: Tencent mail smtps 465,smtp 587 port: 587 properties: mail: smtp: socketFactoryClass: javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory ssl: enable: true shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml: | server: port: 9195 address: spring: main: allow-bean-definition-overriding: true allow-circular-references: true application: name: shenyu-bootstrap codec: max-in-memory-size: 2MB cloud: discovery: enabled: false nacos: discovery: server-addr: # Spring Cloud Alibaba Dubbo use this. enabled: false namespace: ShenyuRegisterCenter eureka: client: enabled: false serviceUrl: defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/ instance: prefer-ip-address: true management: health: defaults: enabled: false shenyu: matchCache: selector: selectorEnabled: false initialCapacity: 10000 # initial capacity in cache maximumSize: 10000 # max size in cache rule: initialCapacity: 10000 # initial capacity in cache maximumSize: 10000 # max size in cache trie: childrenSize: 10000 pathVariableSize: 1000 pathRuleCacheSize: 1000 matchMode: antPathMatch netty: http: # set to false, user can custom the netty tcp server config. webServerFactoryEnabled: true selectCount: 1 workerCount: 4 accessLog: false serverSocketChannel: soRcvBuf: 87380 soBackLog: 128 soReuseAddr: false connectTimeoutMillis: 10000 writeBufferHighWaterMark: 65536 writeBufferLowWaterMark: 32768 writeSpinCount: 16 autoRead: false allocType: "pooled" messageSizeEstimator: 8 singleEventExecutorPerGroup: true socketChannel: soKeepAlive: false soReuseAddr: false soLinger: -1 tcpNoDelay: true soRcvBuf: 87380 soSndBuf: 16384 ipTos: 0 allowHalfClosure: false connectTimeoutMillis: 10000 writeBufferHighWaterMark: 65536 writeBufferLowWaterMark: 32768 writeSpinCount: 16 autoRead: false allocType: "pooled" messageSizeEstimator: 8 singleEventExecutorPerGroup: true instance: enabled: false registerType: zookeeper #etcd #consul serverLists: localhost:2181 #http://localhost:2379 #localhost:8848 props: cross: enabled: true allowedHeaders: allowedMethods: "*" allowedAnyOrigin: true # the same of Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*" allowedExpose: "" maxAge: "18000" allowCredentials: true switchConfig: local: true file: enabled: true maxSize : 10 sync: websocket: urls: ws://shenyu-admin-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9095/websocket allowOrigin: ws://shenyu-bootstrap-svc.shenyu.svc.cluster.local:9195 exclude: enabled: false paths: - /favicon.ico fallback: enabled: false paths: - /fallback/hystrix - /fallback/resilience4j health: enabled: false paths: - /actuator/health - /health_check extPlugin: path: enabled: true threads: 1 scheduleTime: 300 scheduleDelay: 30 scheduler: enabled: false type: fixed threads: 16 upstreamCheck: enabled: false timeout: 3000 healthyThreshold: 1 unhealthyThreshold: 1 interval: 5000 printEnabled: true printInterval: 60000 ribbon: serverListRefreshInterval: 10000 metrics: enabled: false name : prometheus host: port: 8090 jmxConfig: props: jvm_enabled: true local: enabled: false sha512Key: "BA3253876AED6BC22D4A6FF53D8406C6AD864195ED144AB5C87621B6C233B548BAEAE6956DF346EC8C17F5EA10F35EE3CBC514797ED7DDD3145464E2A0BAB413" logging: level: root: info org.springframework.boot: info org.apache.ibatis: info org.apache.shenyu.bonuspoint: info org.apache.shenyu.lottery: info org.apache.shenyu: info
- 执行
kubectl apply -f shenyu-ns.yaml
2. 部署 shenyu-admin- 创建文件 shenyu-admin.yaml
# 示例使用 nodeport 方式暴露端口apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata: namespace: shenyu name: shenyu-admin-svcspec: selector: app: shenyu-admin type: NodePort ports: - protocol: TCP port: 9095 targetPort: 9095 nodePort: 31095---# shenyu-adminapiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata: namespace: shenyu name: shenyu-adminspec: selector: matchLabels: app: shenyu-admin replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: shenyu-admin spec: volumes: - name: shenyu-admin-application configMap: name: shenyu-cm items: - key: shenyu-admin-application.yml path: shenyu-admin-application.yml - name: shenyu-admin-application-mysql configMap: name: shenyu-cm items: - key: shenyu-admin-application-mysql.yml path: shenyu-admin-application-mysql.yml - name: mysql-connector-volume emptyDir: {} initContainers: - name: download-mysql-jar image: busybox:1.35.0 command: [ "sh","-c"] args: ["wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/mysql/mysql-connector-java/8.0.23/mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar; wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/mysql/mysql-connector-java/8.0.23/mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar.md5; if [ $(md5sum mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar | cut -d ' ' -f1) = $(cat mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar.md5) ]; then echo success; else echo failed; exit 1; fi; mv /mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar /opt/shenyu-admin/ext-lib/mysql-connector-java.jar" ] volumeMounts: - name: mysql-connector-volume mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/ext-lib containers: - name: shenyu-admin image: apache/shenyu-admin:latest imagePullPolicy: Always ports: - containerPort: 9095 env: - name: 'TZ' value: 'Asia/Beijing' - name: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE value: mysql volumeMounts: - name: shenyu-admin-application mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/conf/application.yml subPath: shenyu-admin-application.yml - name: shenyu-admin-application-mysql mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/conf/application-mysql.yml subPath: shenyu-admin-application-mysql.yml - name: mysql-connector-volume mountPath: /opt/shenyu-admin/ext-lib
- 执行
kubectl apply -f shenyu-admin.yaml
3. 部署 shenyu-bootstrap- 创建文件 shenyu-bootstrap.yaml
# 示例使用 nodeport 方式暴露端口apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata: namespace: shenyu name: shenyu-bootstrap-svcspec: selector: app: shenyu-bootstrap type: NodePort ports: - protocol: TCP port: 9195 targetPort: 9195 nodePort: 31195---# shenyu-bootstrapapiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata: namespace: shenyu name: shenyu-bootstrapspec: selector: matchLabels: app: shenyu-bootstrap replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: shenyu-bootstrap spec: volumes: - name: shenyu-bootstrap-application configMap: name: shenyu-cm items: - key: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml path: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml containers: - name: shenyu-bootstrap image: apache/shenyu-bootstrap:latest ports: - containerPort: 9195 env: - name: TZ value: Asia/Beijing volumeMounts: - name: shenyu-bootstrap-application mountPath: /opt/shenyu-bootstrap/conf/application.yml subPath: shenyu-bootstrap-application.yml
- 执行
kubectl apply -f shenyu-bootstrap.yaml